
Transform your concession point of sale 

Simpler, Smarter, More Profitable.


Make it more profitable.

No Expensive hardware.

No Contracts.

Pays for itself.



Mobile ordering for booster clubs

Why choose Blitz Concessions?

Customer Experience

Enhance Customer Convenience

  • Let costumers skip the line with online menus and mobile orders
  • Accept credit cards at the window or online with no hardware expense
  • Notify customers ayto
  • Customers can view your menu before they arrive. Choose to eat at the event instead of spending their money elsewhere.

Manage your volunteers and create a positive experience.

  • Invite volunteers to work from Blitz
  • Automated reminders for your volunteers
  • User-friendly point-of-sale device with an easy 6-minute training video
  • Repeatable process from event to event, season to season

Make your management experience easier.

  • Volunteer management tools, allowing for effective coordination of your team.
  • Comprehensive reporting on all aspects of your stand to help you make data-driven decisions.
  • Easy setup and maintenance of your account from event to event
  • Maximize concession profits
  • Simplify inventory management

Request more information about Blitz Concessions.

Discover how Blitz Concessions can enhance your concession stand and make it worth your time and effort. With Blitz Concessions, you can provide customers with a smooth experience, simplify volunteering, and enjoy a comprehensive manager experience that you may have thought was unattainable for your booster club or non-profit organization.

What do our clients have to say about Blitz Concessions?

"If you aren’t using something to manage your inventory, you are simply guessing. Math is hard for people, especially money, and Blitz takes a lot of the guesswork out of running the window."

- Dodge City Band Boosters

"We love the new QR code order from the stand feature. Most patrons that use the online ordering love this feature, and use it over and over in a single event."

- Happy Blitz Customer

"Blitz allowed us to gain a better understanding of our inventory gains and losses, including items that we waste. It has made it easier for us to predict sales for events and order inventory accordingly."

- Dodge City Band Boosters

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How does it work?
    Blitz Concession is a concessions platform designed for volunteer-based organizations. Organizations do a one-time setup of the items they sell and then create events and add inventory to their items. Customers can order and pay online for their items or come to the window to purchase with several payment optionsBlitz Concessions allows for inventory management, reduced lines, and increased sales to increase your organization's revenue.

  • How does it help the organization make more money?
    Blitz Concessions is a unique platform designed primarily for booster clubs and other non-profits as an affordable option with several features to enhance profits. Features include integrated credit card payment options that don’t require expensive equipment integrations. Additionally, it allows you to post, promote, and presell your online menu in advance and during your event. Finally, extensive reports that are automatically generated will enable you to plan your purchases to make the most efficient and profitable decisions about your inventory, increasing your profitability.

  • How big must my concession business be to make it worth using Blitz Concessions?
    We have built a business model to encourage all organizations to use Blitz Concessions, regardless of their concession size and number of events. We want to help the big programs be more efficient, reduce waste, and increase sales. However, we have also created a program that gives the smaller programs the chance to increase their revenues dramatically without spending it all on the platform.

  • How much does Blitz Concessions cost?
    Blitz Concessions charges a percentage of sales. However, there are built-in opportunities to zero the cost of using Blitz Concessions. There are situations where you could actually make money using Blitz Concessions.

  • What are the real benefits of selling items from an online menu?
    The benefits of online menus to your concessions are numerous.
    • Your estimated increase in sales is 25% (at a minimum).
    • You can sell inventory before your event. This allows you to plan better for items that you need.
    • Online ordering allows for Pre-order items that can only be sold until a specific time before your event. This feature will enable you to partner with outside vendors and have a more appealing menu for your fans. Most importantly, this creates a zero inventory option to avoid costly over-purchases that often happen when trying to use outside vendors.
    • Inventory will always be accurate.
    • These are all credit card sales and will reduce mistakes or theft with handling cash in the stand.

Elevate Your Event Experience With Our Easy To Use Concessions Management Platform