Make it more profitable.
No Expensive hardware.
No Contracts.
Pays for itself.
Enhance Customer Convenience
Discover how Blitz Concessions can enhance your concession stand and make it worth your time and effort. With Blitz Concessions, you can provide customers with a smooth experience, simplify volunteering, and enjoy a comprehensive manager experience that you may have thought was unattainable for your booster club or non-profit organization.
"If you aren’t using something to manage your inventory, you are simply guessing. Math is hard for people, especially money, and Blitz takes a lot of the guesswork out of running the window."
- Dodge City Band Boosters
"We love the new QR code order from the stand feature. Most patrons that use the online ordering love this feature, and use it over and over in a single event."
- Happy Blitz Customer
"Blitz allowed us to gain a better understanding of our inventory gains and losses, including items that we waste. It has made it easier for us to predict sales for events and order inventory accordingly."
- Dodge City Band Boosters